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DMfit quick fit fittings white series acetal resin inch size food&drink beverage compressed air flow systems

Dmfit Mezze Cartucce Tubi Raccordi Resina Acetalica Ottone Acciaio Inox
DMfit Power fittings for use with stainless steel tubing
DMFIT power fittings stainless steel tubing Features

- This is the special product used for stinless steel, or other plated pipes.

- When you fasten capnut, interaction between support ring and collet can grab more completely the pipe, and seal O-Ring in the fitting.

- Two O-Rings give more sealing affectiveness in the high temperature.

- It's prevents a breakaway of pipe from fastening capnut whit using hands tools.

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Fittings - DM fit quick fit
DM fit Power fittings for use with stainless steel tubing
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